Nyungwe Canopy Experience


Nyungwe Forest National Park

In the afternoon you’ll visit the Canopy walk bridge to enjoy the thrilling Nyungwe Canopy experience. This is one of its kind in Rwanda and offers impressive views of the forest.
it lies 70m above the forest floor and the canopy suspened bridge is 160m long. Besides being so high in such a picturesque location, the 1½ to 2 hour guided walk allows you to witness the upper parts of the forest. Here you can see some unique ‘canopy’ species; chimpanzees and 12 other primate species, over 300 bird species, butterflies, plants and insects, flowers, leaves and other animals that live in the roof of the forest. It is an unforgettable experience!
The Nyungwe forest is home to 1000 unique tree species so that the canopy walk offers you a unique and rich experience of this protected. rainforest.
Nyungwe canopy walk, regal sunbird


Fitness – some fitness is required as you walk into the suspended bridge via the 2.1km Igishisgishigi Trail. It is a pretty easy trail and so most people can do it, even first time hikers. It has a couple of steep points (as it is mountainous terrain) but you can take it easy.
There are guided walks to the bridge departing at 8am, 10am, 1pm and 3pm. And each party is a max of 6 people. We recommend hiking boots, rain jacket, snack and a walking stick, though this can be hired from the Visitor centre.